Naparajith T L

This image comes from my GitHub Profile

As a CS engineer interested in computing, I am dedicated to deepening my expertise in every technology that drives software excellence.

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This is a portfolio website. The content and views present here are purely meant to showcase my work, skills and abilities. They are my own and do not reflect the views and positions any organisation or corporate entity I work with or have previously worked with. The source code for this site is remotely hosted as a repository on GitHub. The site is deployed, hosted and distributed using Vercel.

When I was a kid, I was told a really inspiring quote about learning, which goes something like this:

From the teacher is learned a quarter, a quarter from the student's own intelligence, a quarter from fellow students, and a quarter with the passage of time.
- Unknown Hindu Shloka

I intened to make learning my long-term commitment, and that takes a lot of support, effort and cooperation. Here are a few things I'm interested in getting help on (not an exhaustive list):

  1. How does a computer work on a hardware-level.
  2. How do memory-corruption vulnerabilities work?
  3. Building a programming language from scratch using LLVM
  4. Fundamentals Game Development of C++
  5. How the hell does a Syscall work?
  6. Understanding the pitfalls of cross-platform application development.

If you would like to help me in any of these ways, please write to